A coworking space is a platform for business growth for all entrepreneurs, professionals, small business owners, and other organizations. This is an avenue for them to expose their business to a diverse group of professionals by getting referrals and making connections very simple. As space owners, maximizing your space location is not just about having cool designs. But more about productivity, culture, flexibility, and most importantly the well-being and happiness of the coworkers within.
Whether they’re working on solo on projects or trying to start up a new business, your coworking space is the platform for them to do so. Find out here on how you can maximize your coworking space and use it to your advantage.
Use Location to Your Advantage
Most coworking spaces are located especially in a city and working in these areas can be advantageous for a number of reasons. The first one is transit, where you’re close enough to the customer base for them to see and reach your space easily. The second is access to people and tools as resources. If you are located in a high traffic area, make use of this area by engaging in public relations. Use your location to meet people, to get information from them that will be helpful for your marketing ideas in the future. By engaging with people, you’ll be able to know how to get the work completed and on managing your business easier.
In addition, when people see the comfort and creativity of your space, they will more likely spend money in a place where they are already spending time than in a location that is out of the way for them. Maximize your location by having a good space layout with different zones for a different purpose. Such as private rooms or study booths, open space area, team meeting rooms, break-out areas, cafeterias, and places for rest. What else is around your place? You may have a mall nearby, or located near a gym or chain restaurants or schools. Promote that you’re nearby in all these desirable places.
Make Purposeful Connections
Use your coworking space to learn about those with whom you work so that networking has a purpose. Find out about others and what they do so that when you decide to do a team building or any events, you have an idea of what is needed by your members. Engage and collaborate with your tenants. Find a way to communicate with them and get their feedback. As space is your product, find a convenient way to gather as much feedback as possible about your product and how to improve it. After all, you want the coworking space to please your members and make them happy.
Impact partnerships can cause the success of your space especially on making the most of your location. Whether its a coffee shop inside your space, cross-promotion with local restaurants or a gym promotion, you need to maximize your partnerships to draw traffic and leads to your space. If you’re in a suburb area, use partnerships to give extra incentives to people who come your way. Host sponsored yoga classes or invite local musicians to play at your space. Any sort of partnership that will generate attraction to the local community around you.
A positive community will lead to happy and thriving members in their fields. In addition, making members and guests like their part of something special makes their work purposeful. You may be in a desirable and trendy place, but that doesn’t guarantee that you will retain your members automatically. That’s why it’s important to maximize the community aspect of your coworking space. This plays a huge role in members choosing your space over others in a competitive location or being able to drive outside the desirable area for somewhere they feel more comfortable and confident. More importantly, members of your coworking space will become advocates if they love what your offer and they have a good experience with your space.
Every good coworking space has amenities and that’s one of the reasons why people turn to Coworking over other alternatives. As a space owner, use this advantage to make use of your amenities to draw someone’s attention regardless of how ideal your location is. If you’re in a suburban area, aim for a location that has a site parking and a good wifi connection.
Amenities are essential in a coworking space since it enables coworkers to be more productive at their work. You can offer free coffee and tea so they won’t have to run in a nearby coffee shop. It will also be good if you provide good, healthy snacks for your tenants. Having a place for a snack and a good coffee is a nice way to stimulate creativity, interaction, and collaboration between members. Make the most of your amenities and offer a good service. Make sure your service is at high standards. Orient your staff and other members to be welcoming, receptive and helpful as possible. You can provide a free day pass to guests, or give trial discounts.
Make the most of your coworking space. There are many possibilities that you can use to bring in greater opportunities. Maximizing your coworking space location is a key to members’ retention and customer generation. Share your thoughts on how you maximize the location of your Coworking Space. We would love to hear from you!