How to Use Instagram Effectively for your Coworking Space

Instagram is a medium to connect with new members, peers, influencers, and partnerships in the community. By participating and hosting own events, you are able to create a presence on Instagram. This is not only for coworking spaces who are established already, but it is really encouraged for startup businesses to have their business Instagram account. 

It’s a basic understanding that social media is an effective advertising channel for coworking spaces. However, there are coworking spaces that do not have any Instagram presence and have failed in using Instagram. Thus, in this article, we shall enumerate basic ways on how to effectively use Instagram in promoting your coworking space. 

Express Emotions

In the posting, make sure your posts have emotions on it that your followers may be able to feel what you are trying to convey. Coworking space is about creating connections. Your followers and visitors should be able to see themselves working and being part of your coworking space. Just as how you want to build a community within your space, then you should capture this feeling so that people would sign up. You can use filters on your photos, targeted messaging, and happy colors to achieve this. The pictures you want to show and the message you want to relay would represent what you want people to feel about your coworking space. Capture the sincerity of your coworking space. You don’t want to showcase something, but it is not evident in your space.

Post-High-Quality Photos

Instagram is highly visual in nature and people are attracted right away on posts with good quality photos. So if you are posting photos, make sure that you use high-quality photos since this will speak of what kind of quality you are as a coworking space. If people see that you’re using high-quality photos, then this will reciprocate a good impression to them and would be interested in visiting your space. You should hire a professional photographer if you are promoting a certain event or campaign. An hour of professional photography will provide you with enough content for days. Let the photographer know what you are trying to achieve and let them work on it. You would need to invest in good photography if you want to capture the attention of your potential customers. 

Interact With Community Members

Aside from the content, another strategy is to engage with other members in the coworking community. Like and comment on the content posted by others will most likely create a feeling of community. You can also follow other small businesses around your area. Supporting local small business especially those in the creative and events industry is good for you since they may refer clients or it can be a good opportunity for future partnerships. 

Consistency in your Content

You do not need to post every day or post exactly X days apart from each other. But you need to post every 2-3 days though. Imagine if a potential member will visit your profile and the last post was 2 weeks ago. The problem here is that your viewers might think that you are not active on Instagram and engaging with your members. Posting new content is one of the best ways to grow your account and doing more often will ensure consistent growth. Part of being consistent is to have a content strategy that will guide how you post content on your page. Vary your posts and make sure that you have more community and inspirational posts than promotional ones. In this way, you are adding value to your audience and this makes them more receptive to your promotional messages.

Build Relationship with Audience

Make sure that you are positively engaging with your audience on Instagram. When they comment on your post asking for more information, you need to reply as quickly as possible so they will not lose interest. If your budget may allow, hire a social media manager to manage your social media accounts and at the same time answer queries on time especially if you are not available. If you have your own generated blog posts, then you can always update Bio link in your Instagram company profile with the most current blog posts. Posting stories would be a great way to engage your audience since it shares moments that truly represent your space.


Instagram is really an effective tool in communicating about your coworking space. In order to be effective in using Instagram, it entails an investment of time, effort, and resources. But the good thing about Instagram, this is a platform where people visited it most and they’re highly engaged with. Always make Instagram as part of your content marketing strategy in promoting your coworking space. 

What to Prepare in Hosting a Coworking Event

There are different coworking events and all of these solidify and highlight the core values of any coworking environment. So, as a coworking space, how do you want people to perceive you? That will somehow reflect on the type of coworking events you host.

Now the Christmas season is coming up, do you have an event planned for your members? How did you prepare for it? Did it stress you out? When managing a coworking space, it is essential to hosting events since it builds camaraderie and community. At the same time, it’s a marketing tool to attract potential members to your coworking space. In this blog, we will give you a few tips on what to prepare for organizing an event. 


First things first is content. In planning for an event, what is your content? What kind of content do you plan to give out to your members who will attend the event. Make sure that your content is aligned to your strategy, company values, philosophy, and community interest of course. As an example in this holiday season, you may want to host an event that tackles the importance of giving back this Christmas and putting it into action by going around to your community. 

If you plan to host a workshop or an informative discussion, you may want to pay attention to the quality of the speaker of the facilitator – make sure that he is well-versed on the topic, interactive, and well-spoken. 

Communication and Promotion

Before the Event

There’ll be a lot of marketing preparations to be done before the event. This is to ensure that everyone, especially your target audience will be well-updated of the upcoming event. Publish the event on your website, in your events section, calendar, or blog post and spread the word. Don’t forget the power of word-of-mouth. 

Another way is to use social media in communicating and promoting your event. This can make your event viral and it allows you to reach out to a larger audience, as well as keep attendees reminded and up-to-date as the event gets closer. 

Last but not least, make sure that the organizer, speaker, facilitators, or artists taking part in the event are influential. Check their followers and following count on social media. Through them, they can already give an impact on their followers as well. 

During the Event

Now the event is up, make a live video on Facebook or Instagram and go streaming on Twitter. Let your online community know what is happening in your coworking space at that time. Take good points and capture good photos from the event and you can tweet it or create an Instagram story. 

After the Event

Compile all the photos taken and make a nice video. If you’re not an expert, you can look for someone professional in doing this. After all, this will be distributed to your website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 

Sponsors and Partnership

A well-managed partnership can provide a financial reward, open up marketing channels, promote your space, and accelerate sales. It will be better to take this opportunity to grow your event. The key to getting the right collaboration is you have to seek prospects who have vested interest in the event topic you have prepared and to your target audience. Once you have identified it, both of you have a create a benefits package that will both add value to your event and their business.

With event sponsorship, they pay money to be associated with your coworking space. They are to place their brand, product, or service in front of your audience. They will pay for this access and opportunity to promote or sell their latest offerings. Understand the sponsor’s needs and goals and design a creative proposal to discuss with them. There is no secret formula for this, but you have to understand your sponsor, target audience, and sponsorship objectives. 


Production is the hardest part of an event. You should create a checklist of all the materials needed, rentals of equipment, food, drinks, music, audio, lighting, and every event logistics that is needed. It may vary accordingly. There will be some events that you won’t need such a big production. In production, you have to manage the budget well, have good knowledge of the components needed to make the event successful, and have direct connections with suppliers. Overall, set up everything to make the venue a great place for an event.

That’s it! Are you ready to host your event?