Coworking is about people, and if you run a coworking space, your top priority is on how to attract and maintain members in your coworking space. Since this has become one of the most common challenges as the coworking business continues to increase. Though coworking has become a trend nowadays, many space owners still struggle with finding effective ways to attract new clients and maintain members as well. There may be various solutions that you can find from different sources and people, however, it is important to remember to put purpose in the core of your strategy. According to Harvard Business Review, a compelling purpose clarifies what a company stands for, provides an impetus for action, and is aspirational. Purpose helps your coworking staff team understand the whys and get on board with the new direction.
If you want to build positive vibes in your coworking space, it is vital that the members from different companies will interact with one another. Since coworking is about people, the primary way to maintain your members is to create a culture of community rather than on focusing alone in physical structure. It is the responsibility of the space owner or the manager to create this culture by building a rapport with, and between, its members.
What is Rapport?
Rapport forms the basis meaningful, close and harmonious relationships between people. It is the sense of connection you get when you meet someone you like and trust, and whose point of view you understand. In an organization setting, rapport isn’t just a tool for building relationships; it is also often the foundation of success.
Benefits of Building Rapport with Space Members
- Because members are naturally attracted to pleasant experiences, maintaining rapport with them can help boost sales. Space members who feel they have a solid relationship with the owner or to the whole staff may feel more comfortable expressing their needs and they will be more likely to renew membership and be more receptive to upselling.
Internal Relationships
- When space members feel they have a comfortable relationship with the staff, they tend to be happier in the workplace. Good rapport with space members can translate into higher member satisfaction which can create a positive customer experience. A good and positive experience will most likely result in productivity and teamwork with colleagues and other members as well.
Ways on how to Build Rapport with Space Members
Relate on a human level
- One way to build rapport with your members is to build meaningful relationships by being human and avoid the trap of over-professionalism. Learn to empathize and listen to your members’ needs, even if it requires postponing another task or responsibility for a moment.
Communicate your values
- Let your members know is important to you and they will also do the same. Communicating with your members doesn’t necessarily have to be in a formal setting, but it can happen over small talks while photocopying papers or over a coffee machine. Feel free to be yourself and share your interests with your members. You will never know how you might be able to relate to them.
Know what they need
- In order to know what they need is by asking them. Don’t assume that it will be the same for everyone. Every member has a distinct need, and find the common ground where your team can possibly take action to address their pressing needs.
Connect members with each other
- As the space owner or manager, it is one of your responsibility to connect members with each other as a form of hospitality you offer to them. Through this, it will alleviate loneliness and connect with people they might be able to collaborate with.
Give people options and be honest
- When you want to organize events, give people what they want and not what you think they might want. If you have some ideas already, present to them the options and show them that you value their ideas and insights. Also, be honest with what you can do and don’t make false promises if you know that you can’t cope with their requests.
Create a welcoming environment
- Design and layout can facilitate a rapport-building within workspaces. Having breakout areas where people can chat easily such as sofas or lounge areas where people can feel relaxed and open to sharing.
Treat your members as colleagues
- Don’t just lock yourself in the office or behind the reception desk all day. Building rapport entails conversation and that will not happen if you just stay behind the corners. It is helpful to see your members as an extension of your team, you can chat with them in breakout spaces and exchange ideas with them.
Final Words
There are many effective tips on how to build rapport in a workplace setting. But going back to purpose, leaders must constantly assess how purpose can guide their strategy. When a business has a strong purpose, the members are most likely to trust it and are motivated to interact with it. What are your other ways to build rapport with space members? Comment it here below. We would love to hear from you. Lastly, don’t forget to share this article with your fellow space owners.