Accepting new Members became much easier.
Now that new Members can sign up themselves through a frontpage without requiring you to do anything. They visit your frontpage (e.g., click on “Sign up” button, pick a start date, and create an account or sign in with the existing account.
Below is an example of the frontpage showing new “Sign up” buttons.
When Members click on “Sign up” button, they will be asked to pick a start date.
Then, they can either create new account or sign in with their existing account as below.
Finally, new Members are asked to agree with the plan conditions and terms.
You will be informed when new Member signs up. This automates the entire onboarding process without you entering the detailed information about new Members.
You can also temporarily hide a certain plan on the frontpage and stop accepting new Members for that plan. This is useful when your monthly memberships are fully occupied and you want to stop accepting new Members until the memberships become available.